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Supporting individuals
through their biggest
work-life transitions

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"We nurture individuals using a friendly, informal style of coaching that we've developed over 20 years - and it works."

Emma Lewis

Executive Coach and Director, Praegressa

At Praegressa, we use our extensive experience to support individuals through key transitions in their careers and lives. We specialise in parental leave coaching, supporting new parents as they prepare to leave work temporarily, and leadership coaching for improved performance at work.


We work with law firms and professional service organisations, coaching individuals on a one-to-one basis, to achieve excellent results for both themselves and the business.


Coaching people to be more confident, more engaged, and to feel happier at work is what we do, and we love doing it. Be a part of our growing success story, and get in touch with us today. 



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"I worked with Emma following my maternity leave, at a time when I was finding it difficult to transition back into my old work self. Emma provided invaluable advice and support to help me navigate back into my role as a partner."

Partner, top 25 law firm  

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